I won!!!

Remember my post about the Coupons I got from the Travel Tour Expo last weekend? They all have called and told me I won a 3D/2N accommodation from their respective hotels and resorts. It was just weird that I got all three calls on the same day. ON THE SAME DAY!!! Nevertheless, since they told me that I haveContinueContinue reading “I won!!!”

Coupons! Coupons! Coupons!

I haven’t been into a travel tour expo before because of it being too crowded. Last weekend, I dared to go just for the sake of…getting a feel of it. I was intrigued with all the people attending such expo, and when hubby and I decided to go, we didn’t know what to expect besidesContinueContinue reading “Coupons! Coupons! Coupons!”